
Address and opening hours

In case of a genuine emergency outside the Embassy's Office hours, please call:
+95-9-502 3209 (German/English) or
+95-9-502 3208 (Burmese/English)


Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany


Theo Kidess, Chargè d'Affairs




9 Bogyoke Aung San Museum Road, Bahan Township, Rangoon (Yangon) 11201

Postal address

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, GPO Box 12, Rangoon (Yangon) 11181, Myanmar.

Opening hours

Visiting hours of the Visa Section:
Monday through Friday by appointment only

Passport collection:
Monday through Thursday: 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Friday 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Visiting hours of the Consular Section:
Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
If you wish to talk to the Consular Officer in Person, kindly arrange an appointment by phone or by using our contact form.

Telephone inquiries for visa issues:
Monday through Thursday: 2:00 p.m. to 3 :00 p.m.
Due to data protection reasons the Embassy cannot give Information on the progress of a visa on the phone, as the identity of the caller cannot be confirmed by the visa section.

The Embassy remains closed at these holidays.



+95 1 54 89 51, +95 1 54 89 52, +95 1 54 89 53


+95 1 54 88 99


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